RevOps reporting: more than words... Measure and show success!

Step 3 of how to do RevOps

This step is extremely important because this is where the value of RevOps is demonstrated. Not simply with words. But with arguments based on numbers and data, supported by graphs and dashboards that show the starting point and the business growth curve. 

RevOps Metrics and KPIs

First, forget about vanity metrics. They only matter to you and divert attention from what is really important, which is what stakeholders want to know. This will depend largely on each business, and it’s growth goals. However, there are common success factors that you can take into account when defining what and how to measure the improvements you have introduced. For example:

  • Increased efficiency (reduction of time and other resources).
  • Increased and improved data collection points (if we are generating useful information that we did not know before).
  • Impact on revenue generation. This includes new revenues, retained revenues or even upsellings and cross-sellings.
  • Impact on the number of leads generated.
  • Impact on customer lifetime value.
  • Impact on lead engagement.
  • Impact on deal opportunities generated.
  • Impact on the number of proposals submitted.
  • Impact on the speed of deal generation and percentage of closing sales.
  • Impact on team efficiency and satisfaction.

How and to whom to communicate the success of RevOps

Creating value and not communicating it, apart from being clumsy, makes RevOps work invisible and imperceptible, almost irrelevant. Knowing how to communicate success is knowing how to demonstrate the value of RevOps and its direct contribution to business growth.

This is also why it is essential to communicate the results globally and transversally, to all departments and stakeholders. 

With all of them we must share through all kinds of formats, from reports, dashboards, to presentations in meetings.

Adapt your communication style to your interlocutors, creating a storytelling with the information you have processed. Talk to them about what they want you to talk to them about and base your conclusions on data analysis, with the most significant KPIs. Also, never lose sight of the company's overall and current objectives for revenue growth.

Below we specify some techniques for effective communication of RevOps successes based on data analysis:

  • Storytelling. It is easy to get lost among so many dashboards and graphs. It is useful to create a story that highlights a coherent discourse with a beginning, middle and end. A story that ignores the noise and highlights the most significant conclusions. Storytelling brings perspective and expression to the numbers and a better understanding of the facts evidenced by the data.
  • Data visualization. A visual representation of the information facilitates the understanding of a reality that is a priori complex and difficult to perceive.
  • Clarity and conciseness. The goal is not to impress the audience with dozens of graphs and tables of numbers, with eloquent explanations full of technical terms. The goal is for the audience to understand information that is difficult to digest. The clarity of the discourse, supported by an enjoyable ability to synthesize and present the information, shows the value of RevOps' work and allows people to see the value of the information. 

When to communicate RevOps success

Once again, the frequency of communication of results will depend on the needs of each specific case. However, in general terms we can consider as a good practice to communicate on a biweekly or monthly basis for consulting services (e.g. agencies). Quarterly when RevOps is done internally. In all cases, annual reports are important to communicate the impact of the improvements, both in their departments and globally, to each stakeholder.

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