About this Blog

Welcome to my RevOps blog! I'm thrilled to have you here, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and insights on revenue operations with you. My name is Miguel Lage and I'm a passionate HubSpot and RevOps specialist currently working at Momentumm Digital, an agency based in Montreal.

I started this blog as a way to share my knowledge and experiences, drawing from my RevOps course notes and my professional journey. Throughout my career, I've had the opportunity to work on fascinating projects, tackled numerous challenges, and had my fair share of triumphs and mistakes, all of them excellent lessons learned. This space serves as a platform for me to share these insights, hoping they might light the way for others on this exciting path.

As an individual with a passion for communication and a knack for languages, I aim to make this blog a multilingual platform. Expect posts in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and HubSpotian, as these are the languages I speak fluently. You will also find content in French; however, bear with me as I'm still in the process of "québequisation" - making my French as good as a native Québécois.

And yes, I do consider HubSpot a language in itself. It’s a language in which you can express your most inner RevOps thoughts, wishes ​​and, I’m sure, even operational poetry 😜.

My mission is to make RevOps more accessible and understandable to everyone, regardless of their background or level of familiarity with the concept. I believe in the power of RevOps to streamline businesses, drive predictable revenue growth, and improve customer experience. My hope is that through this blog, I can help you tap into that power and use it to transform your own business.

This journey of mine is constantly evolving, and I'd love to have you join me as I continue to explore the intriguing world of RevOps. If you're interested in Revenue Operations, looking to understand it better, or just curious about what it's all about, you're in the right place.

So dive in, explore, and feel free to contact! 

Cheers to a future of predictable growth!

Miguel Lage