RevOps Process Mapping and improvements recognition: making the invisible visible!

Step 1 of how to do RevOps

Once we understand what RevOps is, we need to know how to do it.

The first step is to map current RevOps processes. This is a diagram, a graphical representation of the current revenue operations, including Marketing, Sales and Customer Service.

What is RevOps process mapping? 

The process map is a flow chart with all the steps needed to complete a procedure. It is a visual representation of the processes, data and people involved. 

This is why it is also known as business process mapping, process model, functional flow diagram, business flow diagram, or workflow map.

Why is process mapping so important for RevOps?

Process Mapping allows us to understand our current operational environment and develop an organized plan that includes specific work that can be carried out and integrated into our project management system.

Let's now look at the main objectives/benefits of Process Mapping in RevOps.

To align

RevOps is largely about breaking down silos to improve both the specific and overall efficiency of revenue-generating processes. The visual representation of these processes in a diagram makes it easier for different departments to know how to support each other and how they should be working together.

Identify frictions

Graphical visualization helps to identify friction points in the workflow. Not only in the sequence of tasks, but also in the touchpoints with potential customers and the quality of their contact.

Identify opportunities

In the same sense, we can identify opportunities. This is where we often find ways to replace manual and repetitive (sometimes redundant) actions with automated, faster and more efficient task flows. Automating these workflows allows companies to allocate time, effort and resources to those tasks that cannot, or should not, be automated.

How to define and map RevOps processes

Let's look at some general guidelines and tips on how to map RevOps processes.

How to identify the specific steps of each process

The easiest way to start is to interview those responsible for each process. Ask them how their process works (or how they think it works), what roles are involved and what kind of data is generated and how. Sometimes it helps to show them reverse demos.

Afterwards, it will be necessary to check whether this is really how things are done. 

It is useful to start a process from a general point of view and work down to the details, zooming in on the small tasks that keep the process going.

Make it as simple as possible

It is very easy to get lost in the shapes, lines, arrows and colors of a diagram. Let's remember that the most important thing is not the diagram itself, but the operational reality it is intended to make visible. Keeping representations as simple as possible helps us to identify frictions, opportunities and improve the team's commitment to operational alignment. But be careful: simple is not synonymous with simplistic. It is also important not to lose granularity in process mapping.

An extra tip for RevOps professionals and agencies. The best way to impress your clients is not to create diagrams that are miles and miles long, with lots of shapes and colors. The most effective approach is to provide a professional roadmap so that you can highlight the value of the operational changes you recommend to increase business growth.

Maintain a global vision

We have to consider what kind of operational framework we want to make visible. Once we get into the forest, it is very easy to get lost in the details. We must not lose sight of our main objectives or a holistic view of the whole process.

Use views at different scales

If the processes are complex, different "zoom views" can be used. As with topographic maps, using different scales of visual perception helps us to better understand reality.

What technology to use to create a RevOps process map 

You need a board to display your diagram. There are some platforms that have specialized in this with great success. Some of the best known options are: 

  • Lucidchart
  • Miro
  • Creatly
  • Edraw

Conventions and rules for creating diagrams to map RevOps processes

There is no universal agreement on how to visually represent RevOps processes. However, there are certain diagram standardizations and best practices that can be adopted.

Process map symbols

Here is an example from Asana of shapes and colors that can be used in a RevOps process map.

Organizational chart structure

The layout of the diagram should have a good overall logical structure to make it easily understandable. For example, establishing lines or columns for each functional area of the process is a good practice. In a marketing process, one column could be lead generation and the next one lead nurturing.

The diagram should also present a hierarchical order of the represented process.

Text format

It is also considered good practice to write each step of the process in verb/noun format. For instance: "send email", or "schedule meeting".

Which RevOps processes to map

Many people tend to confuse RevOps process mapping with sales operations mapping. The visual representation of the sales process is only one part of the entire operational landscape. You also need to represent the other two pillars of RevOps: Marketing and Customer Service. Let's see in detail how and what kind of processes we need to represent in each of them.

Marketing process map

Here are some examples of marketing processes that can be represented in a RevOps diagram.

  • Research customer profiles
  • Lead generation processes
  • Lead qualification processes
  • Audience segmentation for content creation, SEO and ads.
  • Lead nurturing processes

Sales process mapping

These are some examples of sales processes that can be represented in a flowchart.

  • Lead tracking
  • Lead qualification in the sales process
  • Schedule meetings

Customer service process map

Here are some examples of successful customer services that can be mapped.

  • Incorporation of new customers
  • Renovation processes
  • Escalation processes
  • Respond to attendance questions

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