Mastering the HubSpot Data Quality Command Center: An In-depth Guide

HubSpot Data Quality Command Center

Ever wondered how some businesses manage to consistently make informed, data-driven decisions? Or how do they maintain such high levels of data accuracy, even with large volumes of information? Maybe you've asked yourself if there's a tool that could help you automate data cleaning, improve your marketing ROI, and enhance customer service? If you've pondered over any of these questions, then you're in the right place, as the HubSpot Data Quality Command Center might be the comprehensive solution you've been seeking.

The truth is that accurate data is nowadays the lifeblood of any organization, driving decision-making, informing strategies, and fuelling growth. But maintaining data quality is no small feat—it requires robust tools, diligent management, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

This is where the HubSpot Data Quality Command Center steps in. A game-changing tool designed to help businesses monitor, manage, and enhance their info quality, the Command Center brings data management into a single, integrated platform.

In this in-depth guide, we'll explore the world of this HubSpot’s tool, diving into its key features, set-up process, and ways to maximize its use. We'll also share case studies demonstrating its real-world applications, compare it with other tools, and delve into its benefits for Revenue Operations (RevOps).

Whether you're a new HubSpot user or looking to optimize your data management, this guide is your comprehensive resource for mastering the HubSpot Command Center.

Why is Data Quality so Important for Businesses nowadays?

Accurate data is very important for businesses today. It is crucial because of the digital economy and the fact that information is a valuable asset for businesses. Here are a few reasons why it is so crucial:

  • Informed Decision-Making: Businesses rely heavily on information for making strategic decisions. High-quality data provides a solid foundation for insights, allowing leaders to make well-informed decisions. Poor data quality can lead to erroneous conclusions, which could be detrimental to the company.
  • Customer Experience: High-quality data can significantly enhance customer experience. It enables businesses to understand customer behaviour, preferences, and needs, thereby facilitating personalized interactions and services. Poor records quality can result in miscommunication, resulting in a poor customer experience.
  • Operational Efficiency: High-quality data improves operational efficiency by reducing errors and redundancies. When info is accurate, consistent, and up-to-date, processes run more smoothly. In contrast, poor records integrity can lead to inefficiencies, such as duplicated effort and wastage of resources.
  • Compliance and Risk Management: Many industries are subject to regulations that require them to maintain high data accuracy for reporting and auditing purposes. In addition, high-quality records can help businesses assess and manage risks more effectively.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: AI and ML models depend on high-quality data. The principle of "garbage in, garbage out" holds true: if these models are trained on poor-quality records, they will produce unreliable results. High-quality info is essential for building robust, accurate AI and ML models.
  • Revenue and Growth: Ultimately, high-quality data can contribute to business growth and revenue. It enables businesses to identify new opportunities, optimize marketing efforts, and improve products and services. Poor records quality can hinder these efforts and impact a company's bottom line.

In the current data-driven business landscape, maintaining data integrity is not just a desirable practice; it's a necessity. As such, businesses are investing heavily in data management tools and practices ensuring the integrity, accuracy, consistency, and reliability of their records.

What is the HubSpot Data Quality Command Center

This is a unique feature that is only included in the Professional and Enterprise versions of Operations Hub. This tool gives you a thorough understanding of how your data is organized within your HubSpot CRM. Not only does it identify potential problems with your records, but it also allows for a thorough evaluation of issues related to properties, data synchronization integrations, and workflows. The command center further empowers you to delve into each aspect and implement the required measures to boost the quality and uniformity of your records.

This tool is equipped with a multitude of features, such as data health monitoring, cleansing tools, and customizable quality measures.

The Command Center operates by continually scrutinizing your data for issues like duplicates, inconsistencies, and inaccuracies. Upon detection of such issues, it delivers recommendations and tools to enhance your records quality. This proactive approach ensures continuous improvement and optimization of your info within the HubSpot ecosystem.

Getting Started with HubSpot Command Center

Before starting, it is important to note that only users with super admin or data quality tools access permissions can access the command center. If you have these permissions, this is how you access the command center: navigate to Reports > Data Management > Data Quality.

In this dashboard you have the option to access a summary of your data, which includes details about properties, records, data sync integrations, and workflows.


The overview includes the total count of contact, company, deal, and ticket properties in your account. It provides a daily trend report for property issues. Additionally, HubSpot identifies properties with specific issues, such as "No data" indicating empty or incomplete values on records, "Unused" indicating properties not utilized in HubSpot tools like lists, workflows, or reports, and "Duplicates" indicating similar properties exist.


It includes the overall count of contact and company records in your account. It provides a daily trend report regarding any issues with the records. HubSpot identifies records with specific issues, such as "Formatting issues," which indicates potential incorrect formatting of property values in contact records (e.g., missing a capital letter in the Last Name). Please note that formatting data is currently applicable only to contacts. Additionally, HubSpot identifies "Duplicates," referring to records that resemble or are similar to other existing records.

Data sync

This card provides information on the total number of connected data sync apps in your account. It includes a daily trend report for data sync issues. HubSpot identifies apps with specific issues, such as "Apps with sync failures," which indicates that although the app is connected and data sync is enabled, there are records that are not syncing properly. Additionally, HubSpot identifies "Apps with no active syncs," indicating that the app is not currently syncing due to reasons such as disconnection of the account, paused existing syncs, or data sync setup not being enabled or configured.


It includes the total count of active workflows in your account. It provides a daily trend report for workflow issues. HubSpot identifies workflows that are either unused or at-risk. "Unused workflows" are those that have been deactivated or haven't shown any activity in the past 90 days. "At-risk workflows" are those with at least one unique error detected.

Best Practices for Using HubSpot Data Quality Command Center

To get the most out of this tool, there are several best practices that you can implement:

  • Understand Your Data: Before you can manage your info, you need to understand it. Know where it comes from, how it's used, and who uses it. This foundational knowledge will guide you in setting up and customizing your Command Center.
  • Set Clear Data Quality Goals: Whether you're aiming to eliminate duplicate entries, maintain accurate customer profiles, or ensure data security, it's essential to set clear, measurable goals. These goals will guide your use of the Command Center and help quantify its effectiveness.
  • Regularly Monitor Data Quality Metrics: The Command Center provides numerous metrics that allow you to track the health and accuracy of your records. Regularly monitoring these metrics enables you to identify issues quickly and ensure your data remains in optimal condition.
  • Automate Data Cleaning: One of the key features of the Command Center is automated data cleaning. This feature saves time and ensures your records is consistently accurate and up-to-date.
  • Utilize HubSpot Support and Resources: HubSpot offers an extensive knowledge base and dedicated support team to help you get the most out of the Command Center. Don't hesitate to use these resources to troubleshoot issues, learn about new features, and optimize your data management strategies.
  • Implement Regular Data Audits: Regular audits can help you ensure records accuracy over time. HubSpot's comprehensive reporting tools can aid in these audits, providing insights into data inconsistencies and areas for improvement.
  • Use Data Validation Rules: By setting up data validation rules in the Command Center, you can ensure that the records being entered into your system adhere to specific criteria, maintaining consistency and accuracy.
  • Encourage Teamwide Data Responsibility: Records integrity is not just the responsibility of your data management team. Encourage everyone in your organization to take ownership of info accuracy, fostering a culture that understands and respects the value of high-quality records.
  • Stay Updated on New Features: HubSpot continuously updates the Command Center with new features and improvements. Staying updated on these changes can help you continuously optimize your data quality management efforts.

Comparisons and Integrations

HubSpot Data Quality Command Center vs. Other Tools

Let's consider a few popular data accuracy tools in the market: Talend, Informatica Data Quality, and IBM InfoSphere QualityStage.

HubSpot vs. Talend

While Talend offers a robust data quality tool, it's more suited for large-scale data management projects. It offers extensive features, including data profiling, cleansing, and merging. However, its complexity and steep learning curve can be a barrier for some users.

On the other hand, HubSpot's Command Center is a more user-friendly option, especially for those already using HubSpot's ecosystem. The learning curve is minimal, and it's designed to work seamlessly with other HubSpot products.

HubSpot vs. Informatica Data Quality

Informatica Data Quality is a comprehensive tool that caters to businesses of all sizes. It's highly scalable and comes with advanced features such as machine learning-based data quality checks.

However, HubSpot's Command Center is a more streamlined option, particularly for small to medium-sized businesses or those already integrated into the HubSpot ecosystem. HubSpot's tool also offers robust data quality features, but with a simpler and more intuitive user interface.

HubSpot vs. IBM InfoSphere QualityStage

IBM InfoSphere QualityStage is designed for large enterprises, offering powerful features for data integration, profiling, cleansing, and enrichment. However, it may be overkill for smaller businesses or those without dedicated data management teams.

HubSpot's Data Quality Command Center, on the other hand, is designed to be accessible and practical for businesses of all sizes. Its ease-of-use, robust customer support, and seamless integration with the HubSpot ecosystem make it a powerful tool for any business looking to improve their data accuracy.

In summary, the HubSpot Command Center is a great choice for many businesses due to its combination of user-friendliness, integration with HubSpot's existing products, and balanced mix of features. Although other tools may offer more advanced and specific capabilities, the Command Center provides a well-rounded solution.

Seamless Integrations: HubSpot's Compatibility with Other Data Platforms

The HubSpot Command Center has great integration capabilities with different data platforms, offering efficient and easy-to-use records management.

Integration with CRM Systems

The HubSpot Command Center integrates smoothly with popular CRM systems, such as Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics. This allows your data to remain consistent across all platforms, thereby reducing discrepancies and ensuring accurate reports and analysis.

Compatibility with Marketing Automation Platforms

Whether you're using Mailchimp, or Marketo, the Data Quality Command Center can integrate with these tools to ensure your marketing campaigns are driven by clean, accurate records. This results in better targeting, improved marketing ROI, and enhanced customer experiences.

Synchronization with Other HubSpot Tools

The Command Center is part of the larger HubSpot ecosystem and integrates seamlessly with other HubSpot products. This includes the HubSpot CRM, Sales Hub, Service Hub, and Marketing Hub. This seamless integration allows for an efficient, unified system for managing all your business data.

Interoperability with Business Intelligence Tools

HubSpot can sync with business intelligence (BI) tools like Tableau and Microsoft Power BI. This allows you to leverage clean, quality info when generating insights and making data-driven business decisions.

Benefits of HubSpot Data Quality Command Center for Revenue Operations (RevOps)

RevOps aims to provide a unified view of the customer journey and to break down silos between different departments. This is only possible with high-quality info that provides an accurate picture of the customer across different touchpoints. HubSpot Command Center plays a crucial role in maintaining this data quality.

As companies adopt RevOps to align sales, marketing, and customer service, maintaining high data integrity becomes important. Here's how this HubSpot’s tool benefits RevOps.

Centralized Data Management

HubSpot Data Quality Command Center offers a centralized platform for managing all your records. When all teams have access to the same updated information, sales, marketing, and customer service can work together more effectively and make better decisions.

Improved Data Accuracy for Better Decision-Making

With features like data cleaning and deduplication, the Command Center ensures your records is always accurate. This leads to better insights, more accurate forecasting, and ultimately, better decision-making in your RevOps strategy.

Automated Data Cleaning for Optimal Performance

Manually cleaning data can be a time-consuming process. The Command Center automates this process, saving your team time and ensuring your info is always of the highest quality.

Compliance and Security in RevOps

Data compliance and security are crucial in today's world. HubSpot Command Center provides tools to help manage data in compliance with various regulations, contributing to a secure RevOps process.


Data quality is the backbone of any successful business strategy today. It drives informed decision-making, optimizes marketing and sales efforts, and enhances customer experiences. And in the realm of Revenue Operations, it's an absolute necessity.

In this guide, we have explored the HubSpot Data Quality Command Center, covering topics such as its features, data sync, workflows, troubleshooting, maintenance, and integration with other platforms. Our aim was to provide a comprehensive overview of the platform and its capabilities.

This tool sets itself apart from other tools with its comprehensive features, seamless integrations, user-friendly interface, and robust support. It's a powerful tool that can help any business enhance its records integrity and utilize this information for meaningful insights.

We've also explored the significant benefits of the Command Center in the context of Revenue Operations. Implementing a RevOps strategy can greatly benefit businesses, and a tool that provides centralized data management, improved accuracy, automated cleaning, and ensured compliance can be a game-changer.

In conclusion, high-quality records isn't just a nice-to-have; it's a must-have for businesses today. And with tools like the Command Center, maintaining and leveraging this information is more accessible than ever. As you continue to enhance your data quality efforts, remember that it's not just about having records - it's about having the right info. And with the right information, you're well on your way to business success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the HubSpot Data Quality Command Center suitable for all types of businesses?

Yes, it is suitable for businesses of all sizes and industries. The software has customizable features to manage records for any business, no matter its size or industry.

How does HubSpot's Command Center integrate with other software in the HubSpot suite?

It integrates seamlessly with other HubSpot software, creating a unified system for managing your customer relationships, marketing, sales, and service. This ensures data consistency across your entire business.

What kind of support does HubSpot provide for new users of the Command Center?

HubSpot offers robust support for new users, including a comprehensive knowledge base, training programs, a community forum, and a dedicated customer support team. These resources can help users get up to speed quickly and make the most of the Command Center.

Miguel Lage


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