
HubSpot Business Units 101: Streamline Your Operations

Written by Miguel Lage | Apr 22, 2023 2:56:51 PM

HubSpot is a powerful marketing, sales, and customer service software that has become popular in the business world. It provides a suite of tools to help businesses streamline their operations, automate their processes, and improve their customer experience. One of the key features of HubSpot is its ability to organize a business into Business Units. In this blog post, we will discuss what HubSpot Business Units are and how they relate to RevOps.

What are HubSpot Business Units?

HubSpot Business Units are essentially separate entities within a company's HubSpot account. They allow businesses to create distinct sections or departments within their HubSpot portal, each with its own set of users, contacts, and settings. In other words, Business Units are a way to segment a company's HubSpot account, enabling teams to focus on their specific areas of responsibility and expertise.

Why Use Business Units in HubSpot?

There are several reasons why a company might want to use Business Units in HubSpot. First and foremost, they can help improve organization and efficiency. By dividing a HubSpot account into distinct Business Units, each team can focus on its specific tasks and goals, without getting bogged down in irrelevant data or activities.

Business Units also allow for greater flexibility and control. With separate units for sales, marketing, and customer service, for example, a company can assign different permissions and access levels to each team. This helps ensure that each team has access to the data and tools they need to do their job effectively, while also maintaining the necessary security and privacy measures.

Additionally, Business Units can help businesses scale more effectively. As a company grows, it becomes more complex and requires more specialized teams and resources. By using Business Units in HubSpot, a company can easily add new teams and departments as needed, without disrupting existing workflows or processes.

How to Set Up Business Units in HubSpot

Setting up Business Units in HubSpot is relatively straightforward. To create a new Business Unit, simply navigate to the settings menu in your HubSpot account and select "Business Units" from the dropdown menu. From there, you can add a new Business Unit and customize its settings, such as user permissions, lead routing, and reporting.

It's worth noting that Business Units require a HubSpot Professional or Enterprise account, as they are not available in the free or starter plans. However, for companies that are serious about scaling and optimizing their operations, the added cost is well worth the investment.

How Business Units Relate to RevOps

Now that we understand what HubSpot Business Units are and how to set them up, let's explore how they relate to RevOps. RevOps, short for Revenue Operations, is a relatively new concept that has gained traction in recent years. It refers to the strategic alignment of sales, marketing, and customer success teams to drive revenue growth and optimize the customer experience.

Business Units play a critical role in RevOps because they enable teams to work together more effectively and efficiently. By breaking down silos and creating cross-functional collaboration, Business Units help align teams around shared goals and metrics. This, in turn, helps drive revenue growth and improve the overall customer experience.

For example, let's say a company has separate sales and marketing teams, each with its own goals and metrics. The sales team might be focused on closing deals, while the marketing team is focused on generating leads. Without Business Units, these teams might be working in silos, with little collaboration or communication.

However, by creating separate Business Units for sales and marketing, these teams can work together more effectively. They can share data and insights, collaborate on campaigns and strategies, and align their goals around shared revenue targets. This helps ensure that both teams are working towards the same objective, rather than competing or working at cross-purposes.


ubSpot Business Units are a powerful tool for businesses looking to streamline their operations, improve efficiency, and scale more effectively. By creating separate units for different teams and departments, companies can align their efforts around shared goals and metrics, break down silos, and improve collaboration.

When it comes to RevOps, Business Units play a critical role in driving revenue growth and optimizing the customer experience. By aligning sales, marketing, and customer success teams around shared objectives, companies can improve their bottom line and build more meaningful relationships with their customers.

Of course, setting up Business Units in HubSpot is just the first step. To truly leverage the power of Business Units, companies must also invest in the necessary processes, technology, and culture to support cross-functional collaboration and alignment. This includes everything from establishing clear communication channels to implementing shared metrics and KPIs.

Ultimately, HubSpot Business Units are just one of many tools available to businesses looking to optimize their operations and drive revenue growth.